At Fapsigo Online Venture, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with our services. Below is our cancellation and refund policy:


  • Cancellation of an order must be made before the partnered restaurant starts preparing the order.
  • Once the restaurant initiates the preparation, cancellation may not be possible.


  • If an order is canceled before the restaurant begins preparing it, a refund will be initiated.
  • Refunds for canceled orders will be credited back to the original payment method within 7 business days.

Refund Exceptions

  • In case of technical issues or errors from our end resulting in an incorrect charge, a refund will be processed promptly.
  • If the delivered order does not meet the specifications or is incorrect, please contact us immediately for a resolution or refund consideration.

Contact Us

For any queries regarding cancellations, refunds, or to report an issue with your order, please contact our customer support team at: